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Saturday 29 December 2012

~*Xmas in the Household! - 2012!!*~

Merry Xmas everyone!! :)  I hope you all had a great one!!

Now that everything surrounding the festive season is starting to slow down, I finally have time to blog and share with you all how we celebrated Christmas in our household and most importantly, what we ate!

I'm a big believer in the STRICTLY NO DIETING rule during the Xmas & New Year season, and I definately stuck to this!!

Every year, we spend Xmas day at my parents' house, and they set out a lovely buffet-style spread for dinner. As we have a mix of east (Japanese and Filipino) and west (English) in our family, they try and cater for everyone by having a mixed menu - this usually consists of a traditional English Xmas Dinner, Sushi and also Filipino foods. Instead of everyone sitting around the table with identical meals, we just pick what we want from the buffet of food before gathering together to eat.

This year, Kris and I were put in charge of the veg to serve with the traditional English Xmas Dinner. For those unfamiliar with a typical English Xmas Dinner, this consists of turkey (or any type of meat!) and "all the trimmings" - vegetables, stuffing, roast potatoes, "pigs in blankets"(chipolata sausages wrapped in bacon) and Yorkshire puddings, doused in gravy.

Preparation of the Xmas veg!

We chose to cook boiled carrots, sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, roasted parsnips and mashed potato (which I put Kris in charge of, and he now reckons he is the "Mash King" :-o!)

As a little addition to the table, we also cooked asparagus wrapped in Parma ham (seasoned with butter, salt and pepper) - delicious!!

Asparagus and Parma ham
When we got to my parents' house on Xmas morning (at about 10:30am), the buffet was already laid out.

As always, there was a mix of Japanese/Filipino/English foods to choose from.
Some dishes which we had for Xmas included:
  •  Sushi
  • Turkey (with veg and of course, Kris's mashed potato!)
  • Spring rolls (Filipino Lumpia)
  • Jamonado (a sweet Filipino ham)
  • Lucban Hardinera (a type of meatloaf that originated in the Quezon Province in the Philippines)
  • Chicken drumsticks
  • Calamari 


Lucban Hardinera
We also had a selection of sweets to choose from to have as dessert, which mainly consisted of popular Filipino treats, such as:
  •  Leche Flan (a very sweet milk flan)
  • Polvoron (a powdered sweet which is individually wrapped)
  • Yema (individually wrapped sweets made from egg yolk and condensed milk)
  • Buko Pandan (a very popular Filipino dessert which consists of green gelatin, pandan leaves,tapioca pearls and "nata de coco", which is a chewy, translucent, jelly-like food product produced by the fermentation of coconut water)

Polvoron and Yema

Buko Pandan

Leche Flan


Needless to say, we all took advantage of such a wide selection of food and, especially with the STRICTLY NO DIETING rule, we went back for seconds (and thirds, fourths and even fifths!!)

I hope you all enjoyed your Xmas dinners too - I am sure that all families have their own Xmas traditions which they follow regarding food - what's yours?


Saturday 15 December 2012

~* Dining out in Krakow (Poland)!!*~

Hello all!!

Kris and I have just returned from our annual December Christmas break (our 4th one!), and this year we ended up in the beautiful city of Krakow, in Poland.

To be completely truthful, we struggled a bit to find somewhere we thought was "wow". Krakow has a massive selection of restaurants and cafes which apparently serves "authentic" Polish food, however in some places, it was evident that the effort was not put in to show us tourists what real Polish food was all about. That's not to say that we didn't enjoy every meal though!

Here is a list of places we went during our 4-night stay, and what we thought...

Day 1: Dinner @ Staropolska (Polish Restaurant)
Staropolska is a quaint little restaurant situated in the main market square. Beautifully presented with homely interior, Staropolska has a lovely selection of Polish foods on offer for a very reasonable price.

I ordered a Pork Shashlik (served with bacon and onions), which (stated on the menu) came with either bread OR potatoes. I asked for potatoes only, without the bread.

Kris ordered a Hunter's Stew ("Bigos"), which came with bread.

The Pork Shashlik was AMAZING. So gorgeously cooked, I would recommend this dish to anyone.

Pork Shashlik


Kris also enjoyed the Bigos, and was very pleased with the generous portion size for the price (approx. £3.50). The only thing that let this food experience down was the service.

When we first walked into the restaurant, 4 male workers, who I believe made up the musical entertainment for the evening (who were sitting near the entrance), all very indiscreetly turned and stared at us while we waited for assistance. Very rude, very intimidating and far too obvious! Next time, we will be sure to give them a photo.

When getting the bill, we noticed that there were some sneaky additions on the tab, which consisted of 2 small beers and a portion of potatoes. We would have been more understanding if the restaurant was super busy, however we were 1 of only about 3 tables. Plus, the menu stated that my dish came with potatoes OR bread. And they charged me for the potatoes?!?!

Me at Starpolska Restaurant

Food was excellent, service was mediocre.

: 8.5/10


Rynek Główny 44
31-017 Kraków,  Poland

Day 2: Breakfast @ Pergamin Cafe

Pergamin is a small cafe which is tucked away in one of the small back streets, just off the main market square.

We were given a leaflet by one of those people who try and lure you in for business, and after seeing that the cafe offered Polish breakfasts for an amazing price of 18 PLN (about £3.75), off we went inside.

And we were not disappointed. We didn't know what to expect as neither of us had ever had a Polish breakfast before, but we were very pleased.

The Polish breakfast we ordered was very continental, and consisted of cheeses, hams, bread, honey and a cheeky croissant. This was served with tea or coffee, and an orange juice.

Polish breakfast @ Pergamin
The portion size was great, the food was amazing and the service was also very good. We left the cafe very happy (and very full!!)


ul. Bracka 3-5,
31-005 Kraków,

Day 2: Dinner @ Il Forno (Italian Restaurant)

The last thing we wanted to do was eat Italian food in Poland, however typically, Kris and I couldn't decide where to eat and by the time we had thought, "let's just go anywhere authentic!", they weren't serving anymore!

So we ended up in Il Forno, an Italian Restaurant just off the main market square and about a 3 minute walk from our hotel (which was the Wyspianski Hotel).

We ordered a large pizza (can't remember the name, but had Parma ham and egg toppings) and pasta with salmon and cream sauce.

The food was so-so, not brilliant but it wasn't awful either - it got us by. The service was a bit of a let down though, as we were put into a small, separated section of the restaurant which meant we were forgotton about, and that wasn't so good when I was desperate for a glass of water.

Overall, not sure if I would recommend it to anyone visiting Krakow, maybe it's just one of those places I would direct people as a "last resort".

FOOD RATING: 6.75/10

Mały Rynek 2 Kraków, Poland

Day 3: Dinner @ Cafe Art
Following our Italian dinner the night before, we were dead set on having some Polish food on day 3.

We stumbled across Cafe Art, which is a hidden restaurant on the main market square. This was not our first choice of restaurant, as we had heard that a restaurant called Gospoda Koko was THE place to go for cheap, home-cooked Polish food. However, when we arrived there, it was like we didn't exist. The staff didn't even look at us, offer us menus or even acknolwedge the fact that we were standing there, open-mouthed, thinking "IS THIS FOR REAL?!", not to mention they were eating their dinner as they were serving! I was so disappointed, as I had read some excellent food reviews for Gospoda Koko, but out of principle, we were not prepared to give them business with their attitude!

OK, so back to Cafe Art. Our disappointment for Gospoda Koko wouldn't have been so deep if Cafe Art mended our broken hearts. Unfortunately, it just pick-axed at them a little deeper.

Chicken breast, coleslaw salad, beetroot and potatoes @ Cafe Art
Kris ordered a Polish stew served in "bread", and I ordered a chicken breast with spinach and feta filling, served with potatoes, coleslaw salad and beetroot. Kris managed about 3 spoonfuls of his stew before he gave up. It was incredibly bland, so bland that it had no colour to it at all, and the "bread" it was served in looked and felt like stone. I had suggested seasoning the stew so it was edible, however there was no salt or pepper on the table. My dish was slightly more bearable, thanks to the coleslaw and beetroot, which were delicious (and probably taken from a packet). The potatoes were also lovely, but the chicken breast left my mouth feeling like the Sahara Desert, it was that dry! As the for spinach and feta filling, they were obviously there for show only, as I was unable to taste it.

Kris annoyed at his poor stew!
The service was very much like the food - bland. I don't think we heard the waiter speak at all, but I am not completely sure, since Michael Jackson "Live in Concert" was blasting through the restaurant. I am however, very sure that we didn't hear a "Thank You" when we paid the bill.
FOOD RATING: 2/10 (but only because of the coleslaw salad, potatoes and beetroot).
OVERALL RATING: 3/10 (for the reasons stated above, plus a good selection of Michael Jackson songs).

Main Market Square 23 31-008 Kraków, Poland

Day 4: Lunch @ Yummie (American Steak House)

For lunch on day 4, we ended up at an American Steak House called Yummie, which is situated in the main market square. Again, we had wanted to stay Polish, however at 16 PLN (just over £3) for a selection of dishes from the lunch menu, plus 2 super hungry bellies, we weren't too fussed.

I ordered pork ribs in a BBQ sauce, served with french fries and coleslaw salad, and Kris got a pork neck steak seasoned with herbs with Tzatziki and french fries.

The portions were massive, so for the price we were paying, we certainly weren't complaining! The quality of food was great and the service was also very good. The waitress serving us was pleasant and polite, and the restaurant itself was clean and well-presented.

I must add, the Polish have got it 100% right when it comes to coleslaw salads!!


Main Market Square 25 31-008 Kraków, Poland

Day 4: Dinner @ Restauracja Pod Gruszka

Our last dinner in Krakow, we really wanted to go Polish!!
Restauracja Pod Gruszka is situated just off the main market square, tucked away in a little side street. It isn't difficult to find, as there is always someone trying to get you inside.

The interior is classic and elegant, and from the first instance, it looks very expensive and some people may be intimidated at the assumption of how costly the food may be.

The restaurant menu is impressive, offering a wide selection of traditional Polish dishes at a reasonable price. As we were to learn later on, the portion sizes are incredibly generous too!!

For starters, we ordered traditional Polish meat dumplings which we shared.

Polish dumplings, yummy!!

For our mains, I ordered Królik a la zając, ryż, buraki zasmażane (Rabbit a la hare, rice, fried beetroot salad in Old Polish style), and Kris got Łosoś z zielonym pieprzem, kopytka, mix warzyw (Salmon with green Poppe, potatoes, mix of fresh vegetables).

Salmon, potatoes and vegetables

The food was delicious, very traditional and presented neatly on our plates.
Rabbit, rice and Polish style beetroot
The waitress who served us was lovely, very polite and accommodating, and after reading positive reviews on Trip Advisor about an "adorable waitress" at this restaurant, I would highly assume it was

I would definately recommend Restauracja Pod Gruszka to anyone visiting Krakow. Not only is the  food and service wonderful, you also walk away knowing you paid less than £20 (including drinks, red wine for Kris and mineral water for me), so not too heavy on the wallet.


Szczepańska 1