Blogger Layouts

Friday 26 December 2014

~*Merry Christmas - 2014!!*~

Hello peeps! First of all, a very MERRY XMAS to you and all of your loved ones! I hope you enjoyed your day as much as I did :)

For the past couple of years, I have blogged about my family's Christmas eats and decided to continue this tradition by doing it again this year. As mentioned in previous years, I feel very lucky to be from a multi-cultural background and to have grown up with such amazing food from the Philippines, Japan and England, and from other countries too.

This Christmas, my mum did the usual and laid on an amazing spread of foods from our cultures. We had the traditional English Christmas dinner (Turkey, vegetables, Yorkshire Puddings, etc), Japanese Sushi, as well as a wide selection of typical Filipino Xmas foods, such as Jamonado (sweet ham) and Morcon (beef role). We also had a few buffet-style nibbles on the table, such as breaded scallops and mozarella sticks - yum!!

Here are a few photos of the amazing food we had on Christmas day, plus some personal favourites of my family. 

"Pigs in Blankets" (chipolata sausages wrapped in bacon) - a favourite during Xmas eaten with traditional Turkey dinner.

Breaded scallops and prawns.

The Christmas spread :)

One half of the food table.

The other half of the food table.

Spread xx

Me and my mum before dinner xx

Mum, my sister-in-law and I with our "Jungle" cocktails.

My mum, sister-in-law and I :)