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Saturday 14 June 2014

~* Healthy Breakfast/Post Work-Out Smoothie*~

Good day, all! I hope you are well!

Today, I am going to share with you a very simple smoothie recipe which is not only incredibly healthy, it is low fat and super filling too!
I have just recently joined the local gym and I am keen to make it a habit to go and work out at least 3 times a week, one of those times being Saturday morning, before breakfast (around 8:30am). This means that after my work out, I have plenty of time to prepare a nutritious breakfast without having to rush for work and usually, when I have the flexibility to do so, I tend to make fruity juices and smoothies.

I specifically chose the ingredients for this smoothie because of the health benefits each has. For example, I would be getting my Vitamin C from the lemon, Potassium from my banana and Calcium from the yoghurt and milk, and mixed together, not only is it super tasty, it is very filling and prepares me for a long day ahead perfectly.

I hope you enjoy this smoothie as much as I do! :):)

NOTE!! You will need a blender or a juicer for this recipe.

  • 1 Banana
  • 3.5 tablespoons of Natural Yoghurt
  • 1 cup of Milk (I used Skimmed Milk for mine as it is low in fat)
  • A handful of Spinach
  • A handful of mixed Summer Berries
  • 1/2 Lemon
  • Chop the banana into small pieces and put into blending jug / juicing cup.
  • Add the natural yoghurt on top of the banana, then on top of this, a handful of green spinach.

  • Add 1/2 a cup of milk  to the mixture and blend/juice. Your smoothie should now be a green colour.


  • Take a handful of mixed summer berries and place into the green smoothie.
  • Take your 1/2 a lemon and chop off a small slice (leaving the rind on, as that is where all the nutrients are), put it into the smoothie and squeeze the juice of the rest of the lemon. Add the lemon juice into the smoothie and blend/juice.


  • And that's it! The smoothie should now be a brownish colour.
  • ENJOY!!

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