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Sunday 8 July 2012

~* Happy Birthday to me!!*~ The Millhouse

On July 5th 2012, I celebrated my er...21st (this is not true :-p) birthday. Unfortunately, I spent the whole day at work, but luckily for me, my lovely friends made my birthday in the office a very pleasant one, so it wasn't so bad after all :)

In the evening, Kris took me to one of my favourite local pub restaurants called The Millhouse. The Millhouse is a quaint little joint with traditionally English decor, and the atmosphere is usually very relaxing and tranquil (I say "usually" because the night I went for my birthday meal, they didn't light any table candles, which is the main factor of setting the ambience).

On the night, we ordered a special, which was 2 meals for £20 - this consisted of 2 "Soup of the Day"s (which was Carrot and Coriander, yum!), 2 Steak dinners and a choice between a small glass of wine or a soft drink. As a treat, Kris also ordered me a side serving of 6 oysters, served with lemon juice and vinegarette. Kris is not a fan of oysters, so they were all mine :D < - very happy face!

The meal was lovely, especially the oysters and the Carrot and Coriander soup, however there were a few downsides.

- I had ordered my steak to be cooked "rare", however I found the texture to be on the "medium" side. Kris also had the same problem - he had ordered "medium" but got "well done", which made the meat a little too dry to please his pallette.

- There was no bread to go with the soup starter! The waitress told us there was no bread after we had ordered, and blamed the fact that it had been a busy night. Understandable, but my thought was since there is a supermarket just down the road, they could have sent someone to buy bread before the entire batch was gone. Failing that, they could have offered us a small discount as a gesture of good will (which I had expected, but did not receive).

Overall, I guess for The Millhouse, we got what we paid for.I had expected much better, as they are usually spot-on with meals, but that night was a bit hitty-missy for me. In saying that, I can't say I didn't enjoy the meal, because I did, but not as much as I had wanted to. 

The Millhouse

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