Blogger Layouts

Monday 25 March 2013

~* Office Treats on a Monday!*~

So Monday has arrived yet's freezing here in the UK, in fact it has been recorded as the coldest March we have had in 50 years!!

Luckily, some super kind and generous colleagues of mine who have just returned from their holidays brought some lovely treats into the office to share with everyone, which has helped brighten up the mood!

My good friend Ursula, who has just returned from visiting her family in Valencia, Spain, brought back some gorgeous Spanish grub:


As you can see from the photo, we had chorizo, tomato bread, Magdalenas (Valencian sponge cake) and Ensaimadas (typical Majorcan sweets) - yummy!!

In addition, Anthony (one of our Team Leaders), who has just come back from Sicily, brought back some tasty Sicilian biscuits, and the pie you see on the left? That was made by one of our team members, William, and it was AMAZING. It was a corned beef pie and it was the first time he had made it - and he got it spot on! I am hoping he is going to share his secret on how to bake such a wonderful pie, because it seriously was one of the best I have ever eaten. starts NEXT Monday...:-p

1 comment:

  1. yummi!!!!!!!!!! I love when my colleagues bring food to work!!!!!!! No diet until next Monday!!! I love your blog! Where can I find the Japanese products? How are them called?
