Blogger Layouts

Thursday 14 April 2016

~*I'm baaaack!! With an Italian Spread to Share!!*~

Hello all!

It's been a while!!

First of all, sorry for being rubbish by abandoning MyMy's Munchies for over a year. To be honest, I had a pretty lazy 2015, plodding on with life, going to work, coming home from work, etc etc...but now I am back and ready to share more foodie posts with you all!

I have promised myself that I will be more active in 2016, and it's been a pretty good year so far! I am currently training for my first 10k run (eeek!) which my friend Rachel and I will be doing for Cancer Research, eating better (ish...weekends don't count!) and generally trying to live a happy and healthy life. I'm also in the process of going through something really big (aaaahhh!!!), but more on that once everything has been finalised.!

Recently, my mum and I decided to prepare an Italian-inspired dinner with lots of bread, olives and anything Italian we could find in our local supermarket. We decided on Italian food that day based on my mum's olive and bread craving, as well as her being super hungry. She was literally grabbing anything she could find in Sainsbury's and sticking them in our shopping basket. Note to self - don't go shopping whilst hungry!

With our mounds of stock, we prepared our spectacular spread which consisted of the following:

- Bruschetta (oven-baked tiger bread with garlic butter, basil, tomato, mozzarella cheese and Italian ham)
- Bread with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, with a side of black and green olives
- Ham, feta cheese (OK, so we turned Greek here...) and sundried tomato skewers
- Sliced avocado drizzled with olive oil
- Courgette and carrot "vegetti" with Bolognaise sauce

All washed down with a bottle of super sweet dessert wine (you can find a great selection in Sainbury's).

And here is how it all turned out...

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