Blogger Layouts

Friday 11 November 2016

~*Introducing...Cooking with Bae!*~

Hi everyone!

I can't believe it's been so long since my last post (especially after I promised I would blog more)! I would say I've been super busy with life in general, which is kinda true, but to be completely honest, I've been pretty lazy with blogging over the past few months (or years)...but I'm back now!

Anyway the reason for this post is to introduce a new segment to MyMy's Munchies, which is called...*drum roll*... Cooking with Bae!! And you've probably guessed it...I will be cooking with bae! My boyfriend J (i.e. "bae") and I are currently in a long-ish distance relationship (him being in London and me being 294 miles away up north, near Newcastle), and since we both love food and are trying to find inexpensive things we can do as a couple so we can afford travel fares to see each other, we are going to be experimenting with cooking dishes from around the world from the comfort of my kitchen!

As some of you may know, I really enjoy cooking and trying out new recipes, however J hasn't had a lot of experience in the kitchen and is very much a "sauce from a jar" kind of man. In order to challenge his limits, J has been appointed head chef during our "Cooking with Bae" cookathons, a responsibility I am confident he will undertake very well (though if I get food poisoning, you know why!).

We hope that you will enjoy this segment and maybe learn some new and simple dishes to try out yourselves along the way!

Also, if you are an Instagram user, you can find some of our dishes using #cookingwithbae! Make sure you click the "heart" button to like!

Happy cooking!


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