Blogger Layouts

Friday 26 December 2014

~*Merry Christmas - 2014!!*~

Hello peeps! First of all, a very MERRY XMAS to you and all of your loved ones! I hope you enjoyed your day as much as I did :)

For the past couple of years, I have blogged about my family's Christmas eats and decided to continue this tradition by doing it again this year. As mentioned in previous years, I feel very lucky to be from a multi-cultural background and to have grown up with such amazing food from the Philippines, Japan and England, and from other countries too.

This Christmas, my mum did the usual and laid on an amazing spread of foods from our cultures. We had the traditional English Christmas dinner (Turkey, vegetables, Yorkshire Puddings, etc), Japanese Sushi, as well as a wide selection of typical Filipino Xmas foods, such as Jamonado (sweet ham) and Morcon (beef role). We also had a few buffet-style nibbles on the table, such as breaded scallops and mozarella sticks - yum!!

Here are a few photos of the amazing food we had on Christmas day, plus some personal favourites of my family. 

"Pigs in Blankets" (chipolata sausages wrapped in bacon) - a favourite during Xmas eaten with traditional Turkey dinner.

Breaded scallops and prawns.

The Christmas spread :)

One half of the food table.

The other half of the food table.

Spread xx

Me and my mum before dinner xx

Mum, my sister-in-law and I with our "Jungle" cocktails.

My mum, sister-in-law and I :)


Sunday 26 October 2014

~* Peanut Butter & White Chocolate Cookies (Only 4 Ingredients!!)*~

Autumn always puts me in the mood to bake, especially on lazy Sundays when everything feels so cosy and homely in the flat.

The recipe I am sharing with you all today is for Peanut Butter & White Chocolate Cookies, a delicious treat which is ideal to share with friends and family. Made up of only 4 ingredients, it is super simple and inexpensive to make!

I know this isn't as healthy as my usual recipes, but we're all allowed a treat every once in a while, right? :)


  • 2 cups of Peanut Butter (smooth or crunchy - I used crunchy)
  • 1 1/2 cups of Caster Sugar
  • 2 Eggs
  • 1 cup of White Chocolate Chips (you can use milk or dark chocolate if you prefer)
  • Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees and line a baking tray with greaseproof paper.

  • Put the Peanut Butter, Caster Sugar, Eggs and Chocolate Chips into a bowl and mix together until smooth to create the cookie dough.

  • Form small dough balls by using a round tablespoon (or you can use your hands). If desired, coat the outside of the dough balls with sugar for extra sweetness.
  • Place the dough balls onto the baking tray and ensure they are at least 2 inches apart from each other.
  • Slightly flatten each of the dough balls with your hand or spatula. For extra deliciousness, place a few extra chocolate chips on top of each cookie.
  • Bake for 6 to 8 minutes, or until the cookies are slightly browned on the bottom. Be careful not to over-bake!
  • Once the cookies are done, let them cool on the baking tray for 1 minute, then transfer onto a wire rack to cool completely. 

And that's it!! Hope you enjoy these lovely cookies as much as I did - bon apetite!

Sunday 12 October 2014

~* Pasta alla Checca*~

Time for another simple pasta recipe!
This one is Pasta alla Checca, a super easy yet delicious pasta dish which is ideal if you want to prepare something quick for the next day.

I was inspired to prepare this after watching Benji Travis (of Benjiman TV on Youtube), who totally swears by this dish, and I really wanted to see what all of the fuss was about.

If you do decide to try this dish out, I would recommend preparing the "alla Checca" (the pasta sauce) the night before you plan to serve this, as the longer the ingredients are left to marinate together, the stronger the bite.

I hope you enjoy this bowl of deliciousness as much as I did :)
INGREDIENTS (serves 2)

  • Any type of pasta (I used Spaghetti for my version)
  • 3 ripe Tomatoes (cut into small pieces)
  • Fresh Basil (cut into small shreds)
  • Minced Garlic (fresh or jarred - I used jarred garlic for my version) - the amount depends on how garlicky you want this to be! I love garlic so I added 3 heaped teaspoons.
  • Olive oil
  • 1 ball of Mozzarella Cheese, cubed
  • Salt and Pepper to season
  • Put the tomatoes, basil and garlic into a mixing bowl.
  • Add enough olive oil to cover the mixture, then stir everything together.
  • Cover the mixture with cling film and place into the fridge, leaving it to marinate for a minimum of 2 hours (I would recommend allowing 4-6 hours).
  • Once the mixture has marinated, boil water in a pan and cook the pasta of your choice.
  • While the pasta is cooking, add the Mozzarella Cheese to the marinated mixture, and stir. Season with salt and pepper.

  • Once pasta is done, drain the water and add to the mixture. Stir everything together.
And that's it! I told you it was easy!

Why not treat yourself and serve with some garlic bread and a side salad? Mmmm!

Tuesday 9 September 2014

~* MyMy's Super Healthy Turkey & Veg Casserole*~

Today, I am going to share with you a very simple and healthy recipe which I created using a variety of ingredients which I had in my fridge.

I try and lead a generally healthy lifestyle and always ensure that there are tons of veggies in the fridge, and you'll see that I used quite a bit for this particular dish.

I was inspired by one of my favourite Filipino dishes called "Afritada" (a tomato-based chicken dish), so those who are familiar with this will see the similarities between the two.

This dish would be ideal for a hearty, low-fat dinner for the family and can be eaten with rice or bread, or even on its own.

Hope you enjoy this dish as much as I did :)

INGREDIENTS (this makes a big pot!)
  •  600g of diced Turkey Thigh (as you can see from the photo below, I had been hitting the bargain aisle again!!)
  • 1 can of chopped tomatoes
  • 1 small onion, diced
  • 1/2 chopped yellow pepper, diced with the seeds removed
  • 1 small sweet potato, chopped into cubes
  • 1 cup of frozen mixed veg (peas, carrots and green beans)
  • 3 tablespoons of chickpeas
  • Handful of fresh spinach
  • Salt and pepper to taste (I only used a minimal amount)

  1. Take a large saucepan and heat some oil (preferably olive oil or a couple of squirts of "Fry Light" for frying) over a medium heat. Once it is hot enough, add the diced onion and cook for 1 1/2 minutes.
  2. Add the diced Turkey and cook until the meat changes to a light colour.
  3. Stir in the can of chopped tomatoes so that it covers the Turkey and onion mixture. Leave to simmer over a medium heat for around 5 minutes.
  4. Add the sweet potato and allow the mixture to simmer for a further 7 minutes, or until the potato is cooked through.

5. Place the chickpeas, peppers and frozen mixed vegetables into the casserole mixture, and again let them cook for a further 4-5 minutes. If the heat is too high, feel free to adjust it to a lower setting.

    6. Add the spinach to the top of the mixture and cover the pan with a lid. Allow to simmer until the spinach begins to wilt. Season with salt and pepper to taste, and mix.

    7. Serve up and enjoy! I served this with a small portion of brown rice, but as mentioned earlier, it can be served with bread or on its own too.




Wednesday 27 August 2014

~* Low Fat Mozzarella Stuffed Turkey Meatballs*~

If you are looking for a quick and healthy meal to serve to your family, friends, or even to yourself, then this is it.
This is the first time I attempted to cook this, and was inspired by a) my craving for pasta that day b) the items I had found in the bargain section of my local supermarket the day before and c) Pinterest.
I was really pleased with the outcome, especially because, since no red meat was involved, this was a pretty guilt-free dish and the taste was not compromised with the ingredients which were used.
I hope you enjoy these meatballs as much as I did :)
  • 250g of minced Turkey meat
  • 1 ball of Mozzarella cheese, cut into small cubes
  • 1/2 red onion, diced
  • 2 cloves of garlic (I am a garlic lover, so I used 5 cloves...hehe), chopped into very small pieces
  • A small bunch of basil, chopped
  • A small bunch of chives, chopped
  • 1 egg
  • Salt and pepper to season
1. Pre-heat oven (gas mark 6).

2. Put the minced Turkey, diced red onion, garlic, basil, chives and egg into a bowl. Mix together using your hands, ensuring all of the ingredients are blended together.

3. Form the mixture into small meatballs.
4. Make a hole in each meatball with your finger and place a Mozzarella cube in the hole. Mould the meatballs around the Mozzarella cube.

5. Place the meatballs on a baking tray (with baking sheet, lightly greased with olive oil) and put into the pre-heated oven for about 15-20 minutes.

6. Serve and enjoy! The meatballs can be served with or without a pasta sauce - it is completely up to you.


Sunday 15 June 2014

~*My BALUT Experience*~

Hi all! I hope all is well today :)

Yesterday, I attended the Filipino Barrio Fiesta in Newcastle, which is an annual festival for Filipinos living in the UK. These fiestas are very popular and many attend to mingle with other Filipinos, watch the entertainment (which usually consists of local Pinoy talent) and of course, to take advantage of the food stalls serving amazing Filipino "ulam" (which is accompanied with rice) and desserts (hello, Halo Halo!).

Of course, when it came to the food, I wanted to take full advantage of what was on offer at the stalls. I ummed and aaahed at all of the delicious food, such as "Adobo" (chicken in soy sauce and vinegar sauce), "Bistek" (find my version of this in one of my earlier posts :)) and "Pinakbet"(pork pieces with aubergine, okra and other veggies) and then I came across a sign: "BALUT - £1.50 EACH".

Balut. Firstly, some things to know about Balut...
  • It is a regular in the top 10 of the most gruesome foods in the world (very often coming in at the #1 spot).
  • It is not for the faint-hearted.
  • You need to have a strong stomach.
Balut is a very popular street food in the Philippines (and other parts of Asia), and it consists of a developing duck embryo that is boiled alive and eaten in its shell. The young chick inside the shell is nearly fully formed, which means it has the bones, beak and feathers intact when eaten. For those who are wondering - yes, you do eat the entire contents of the egg (apart from the shell).

I hadn't had Balut for very many years, not even when I visited the Philippines earlier on this year, so I forgot if I even liked it or not. Granted, I can see why it wouldn't appeal to many people, but my brother, as well as thousands of Filipinos, absolutely love it, so I thought I'd give it a try.

Here is a photo of what the inside of the Balut looked like:

As you can see, it is hasn't got the most appetizing appearance. Here are my reactions (the guy on the right is my Balut-loving brother) when I was cracking the egg open...

Overall verdict - looks unappealing but it actually tasted OK. I think a lot of people would avoid it mainly because they know what it is and knowing they are eating a nearly-developed chick (beak and feathers and all...) is a put off in itself, but if they blind-tasted this, I don't think they would be so grossed out about it. I certainly wasn't and I would quite happily eat this again.
What is the most unusual food that you've ever eaten?

Saturday 14 June 2014

~* Healthy Breakfast/Post Work-Out Smoothie*~

Good day, all! I hope you are well!

Today, I am going to share with you a very simple smoothie recipe which is not only incredibly healthy, it is low fat and super filling too!
I have just recently joined the local gym and I am keen to make it a habit to go and work out at least 3 times a week, one of those times being Saturday morning, before breakfast (around 8:30am). This means that after my work out, I have plenty of time to prepare a nutritious breakfast without having to rush for work and usually, when I have the flexibility to do so, I tend to make fruity juices and smoothies.

I specifically chose the ingredients for this smoothie because of the health benefits each has. For example, I would be getting my Vitamin C from the lemon, Potassium from my banana and Calcium from the yoghurt and milk, and mixed together, not only is it super tasty, it is very filling and prepares me for a long day ahead perfectly.

I hope you enjoy this smoothie as much as I do! :):)

NOTE!! You will need a blender or a juicer for this recipe.

  • 1 Banana
  • 3.5 tablespoons of Natural Yoghurt
  • 1 cup of Milk (I used Skimmed Milk for mine as it is low in fat)
  • A handful of Spinach
  • A handful of mixed Summer Berries
  • 1/2 Lemon
  • Chop the banana into small pieces and put into blending jug / juicing cup.
  • Add the natural yoghurt on top of the banana, then on top of this, a handful of green spinach.

  • Add 1/2 a cup of milk  to the mixture and blend/juice. Your smoothie should now be a green colour.


  • Take a handful of mixed summer berries and place into the green smoothie.
  • Take your 1/2 a lemon and chop off a small slice (leaving the rind on, as that is where all the nutrients are), put it into the smoothie and squeeze the juice of the rest of the lemon. Add the lemon juice into the smoothie and blend/juice.


  • And that's it! The smoothie should now be a brownish colour.
  • ENJOY!!

Monday 2 June 2014

~* Healthy Breakfast Idea: Avocado & Poached Eggs on Toast*~

This is fast becoming one of my favourite breakfasts.

Today, I am sharing with you a very simple, super healthy breakfast idea which consists of toast topped with avocado and poached eggs. It is super quick to make, full of nutritious goodness and very filling!
Here is what you need...

  • 1 slice of thick wholemeal bread (toasted)
  • 1/2 of an avocado
  • 2 poached eggs
  • You can serve this with "sides" too - I served mine with ham, but you can have cheese, baby tomatoes...anything you fancy :)

All you need to do is spread the avocado on the toast (you don't need to butter this first), then top with the poached eggs - simples! You can also season with a bit of salt and pepper if you so wish.
Have a great breakfast!! :)

Tuesday 20 May 2014

~* What I had for Dinner...*~ (19th May, 2014)

Hi all,

Just wanted to share this pic of yesterday's super healthy dinner :)

I am trying to live healthily at the moment and part of doing this is by having a nutritious diet with a variety of lovely food.

This particular dish consists of a spinach salad with cucumber and tomato (I was going to put avocado in but I forgot!), a small portion of spaghetti pasta with reduced-fat cream cheese and baked salmon on top.

Yummy and healthy!!!

Sunday 11 May 2014

~* Easy Filipino Style Beef Steak (Bistek) Recipe*~

Hi everyone! I hope you are well!

Today I would like to share a very simple recipe for a popular Filipino dish called "Bistek".

Bistek is made up of thinly sliced beef, which has been marinated in soy sauce, citrus juice (lemon, lime or calamansi), pepper and a little bit of water, and is served hot with onions and rice.

I was inspired to make this after watching Benji Travis (of benjimantv on YouTube, the husband of Judy of itsjudyslife) cook this with his Filipino mother-in-law, and since I was really craving Filipino food (as I do every day!) and had bought some good beef from the bargain section of the local supermarket, I thought "why not?" :)
I hope you enjoy this dish as much as I do!

  • 1 lb thinly sliced beef
  • 1/4 cup Soy Sauce (preferably the light sort)
  • Juice of 1 Lemon / 1 Lime / 4 Calamansi (I used lemon for mine)
  • Black Pepper
  • Water
  • 1 onion (red or white), sliced

1. Take the thinly sliced beef and place into a bowl.

2.  Put the soy sauce into the bowl so that it covers the majority of the meat. 3. Take your citrus fruit (in this case, I used lemon), cut in half and squeeze the juice over the meat and soy sauce. You will need the juice of the whole fruit.
4. Put a little bit of water into the bowl in order to slightly dilute the soy sauce - I used about a tablespoon and a half of water.

5. Grind some pepper onto the meat, then mix everything together so that all of the beef is covered in the soy/citrus juice marinade.

6. Cover the bowl and allow the meat to marinate for 2-3 hours (the longer the better).

7. Once you are ready to cook the meat, heat a little bit of oil (enough for a shallow fry) in a frying pan.

8. Place the beef and a little bit of the marinade into the pan and allow to cook on medium heat. Leave for 1-2 minutes. Flip the meat and cook the other side, again for 1-2 minutes.

9. Now for the onions! Put the sliced onions on top of the beef and lower the heat, cooking for a further 1 minute. The intention is for the heat from the beef to cook the onions, so they should not go really soft.

10. Switch off the heat, and serve the Bistek with hot rice. Make sure you save the juices from the pan, as it tastes really good with the rice!