Blogger Layouts

Tuesday 19 June 2012

~* Dinner with the Parents - STEAK!!!*~

Sorry for the photo quality -there was a lot of steam coming off the plate!
 The picture above shows exactly why I love dining at my parents' house!!

The last time I went to visit my parents, which was a couple of days ago, my mum cooked an amazing steak (tenderized very well with kiwi fruit - a tip she learned while holidaying in California!) and served it with boiled potatoes, brocolli and asparagus - super healthy!!

I always saw steak as "man food" but I love it and could probably eat more than any man could! :)

My mum is incredibly versatile when it comes to cooking. When I was living at home, it was guaranteed that she would always cook something different everyday. Her menu would consist of dishes from different countries, so one day it would be Filipino food, the next could be Japanese and the next, Italian. Growing up, my dad, brother and I were very lucky to have so much variety in our diet.

I miss my mum's cooking now I have left home, but I am in the process of learning so I too can give my future family the variety which my mum gave us.

But I have to admit, my mum always seems to make the BEST meals :)


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