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Sunday 10 June 2012

~* Special Birthday Brekkie - Salmon & Chive Scrambled Eggs*~

Ingredients for Salmon and Chive Scrambled Eggs
Today is my other half's Kris's birthday and, as a treat, I made a special breakfast of Salmon and Chive Scrambled Eggs to help start off his day :)

I LOVE LOVE  LOVE Smoked Salmon Scrambled Eggs for breakfast, however I rarely have it because good smoked salmon is pretty expensive in the shops, hence why it is such a treat. Luckily, I managed to get the smoked salmon and the other ingredients in the bargain section of the supermarket, so I was able to make a delicious morning meal without worrying too much about the cost.

The ingredients which I used (to serve 2 people) were 4 eggs, smoked salmon, ricotta cheese (optional), a few snippets of chives, salt and pepper. I mixed all of the ingredients in a bowl (apart from the smoked salmon).

I then heated up a frying pan and added butter (oil can be used as an alternative, but I prefer butter for the taste) and poured the mixture in and left to cook like an omelette. I then added some cut-up smoked salmon and broke up the egg to "scramble".

I served the scrambled eggs with slices of buttered wholemeal bread.

Smoked Salmon and Chive Scrambled Eggs

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